D E R E K   I R V I N E    PHOTO G R A P H Y
in association with
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

 You can pre pay using paypal checkout below, or internet banking anytime before the ceremony. We accept cards on the day via iZettle excluding Amex. 
If using the secure paypal, simply decide the package you would like depending on family
 members coming etc, then add your choice to the cart. Don't forget the extras, including EU and World postage, also check out
the special offer on having all the High Res images sent to you to print extra copies etc...

If you would prefer to use internet banking please send your payment to the account below, then email me to let me know.

Derek Irvine , Clydesdale Bank, Account 70119347, Sort Code 82-67-14

Package Required
Just let us know your name and address when you arrive at the desk and we'll confirm your order.
If on the day you would like to change the package, just pay the extra in cash.